Motorised Lifting Aids

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Safe Use of Motorised Lifting Aids in the Workplace

Motorised lifting aids are valuable tools for moving heavy loads efficiently. However, using these aids requires specific training and qualifications. Here’s what you need to know about using motorised lifting aids safely in your workplace.

Types of Motorised Lifting Aids

1. Forklifts

Forklifts come in various types, including:

  • 3-Wheel Forklifts: These are highly manoeuvrable, making them suitable for tight spaces.
  • 4-Wheel Forklifts: These offer greater stability for heavier loads.
  • Large Vehicles: For moving items outdoors, such as telescopic loaders.

Only competent and licensed operators should use these forklifts. Ensure that any lifting aids are operated by someone approved by your employer.

2. Small Mechanical Lifts

Smaller mechanicalised lifting aids are used for lifting pallets and loads by pushing. These devices must also be operated by individuals who are properly trained and authorised.

Safety Guidelines for Using Motorised Lifting Aids

1. Follow Workplace Policies

Adhere to your workplace's specific policies and procedures for operating motorised lifting aids. This may include wearing Hi-Vis clothing, special shoes, gloves, and hard hats. Requirements vary depending on your employer and work environment.

2. Maintain Safe Distances

Always stay out of the operator's blind spots and avoid standing close to the vehicle. Operators are responsible for your safety, but you must ensure you are visible and not in their way. If you need to communicate with the operator, do so safely and avoid approaching the vehicle directly.

3. Observe Safety Features

Some forklifts have warning lights or red lines on the ground to indicate safe areas around the vehicle. Follow these indicators and keep a safe distance from the equipment.

4. Verify Competency

Just because you have used similar equipment in a previous role does not mean you are automatically qualified to use it in your current job. Always confirm your qualifications and permissions with your employer before operating any motorised lifting aid.


Motorised lifting aids are crucial for handling heavy loads, but they must be used correctly. Ensure you are fully qualified and permitted by your employer to operate these devices. Follow all safety guidelines to prevent accidents and ensure a safe working environment.