Navigating stairs
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Navigating Stairs: Safety and Support
Descending Stairs
When assisting individuals in descending a flight of stairs, it is essential to prioritize their safety and comfort.
Hand Position and Reassurance
Staff should position themselves in front of the person, with a hand on the waist for reassurance. The focus should be on taking the necessary time and following the person's movements and ability. Holding onto handrails and providing support when needed is crucial.
Attention and Care
Staff should face up and walk slowly when descending stairs to ensure their own safety. Taking time, using handrails, and maintaining open communication are key elements during the descent. Positive feedback and reassurance help create a supportive environment.
Ascending Stairs
Ascending stairs requires a different approach to ensure safety and prevent falls.
Staff Position and Preventative Measures
Staff should be positioned behind the person, serving as a preventative measure against falls. Placing a reassuring hand above the waist, avoiding the buttocks area or the small of the back, helps provide support.
Patience and Communication
Patience is crucial when ascending stairs. Staff should allow individuals to pause, catch their breath, or take their time per step. Maintaining communication about the next stair and ensuring a regulated height of the steps are additional considerations.
By following these guidelines and providing appropriate support, staff can navigate stairs safely with individuals, ensuring their comfort and well-being throughout the process.