Online Moving and Assisting of People Level 2 (VTQ)

62 videos, 3 hours and 14 minutes

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Record Keeping

Video 9 of 62
2 min 47 sec
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Understanding the Importance of Record Keeping in Moving and Handling

In moving and handling operations, particularly when dealing with individuals or objects, comprehensive record keeping is a fundamental requirement. This not only ensures safety and optimal care but also aids in achieving compliance with various legal and regulatory requirements.

Individual Care Plans and Assessments

Every person under care will have an individualised care or support plan. This document includes any moving and handling assessments that have been completed and outlines the specific procedure for moving an individual. These records need to be regularly reviewed and updated, following a set schedule (annually, biannually, or quarterly) or whenever necessary.

Maintenance Records of Equipment

Maintenance records of equipment used in moving and handling, especially in accordance with the LOLER regulations, form an essential part of the records. For equipment involved in moving individuals, inspections are required every six months. A label on the lifting device and a certificate of inspection completed by a competent person serve as proof that the equipment is regularly maintained.

Incident Records

Record keeping extends to any incidents, accidents, or near misses that occur during moving and handling procedures. These records are crucial for investigations to determine the cause of the incident, the extent of any injuries sustained, and to assess whether a near miss was preventable or indicative of the need for equipment changes.

Staff Training Records

Records of staff training are another important aspect. These records should track any full or refresher courses attended by staff members. In the event of an incident, training records can verify that staff have received the necessary training.

Data Protection and Confidentiality

All records, particularly care and support plans, are governed by the Data Protection Act 2018, which includes the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). This means everyone's information should be held private and confidential, accessible only to those who need it. Staff members handling these records must ensure they are kept secure and confidential.

Compliance with Policies, Legislation, and Regulations

Record keeping is crucial in ensuring compliance with all relevant policies, legislation, and regulations. Staff members are required to be compliant with these requirements for safe and efficient moving and handling practices.